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Wednesday 29 November 2017

Tips For Designing An Effective Business Logo

Your company’s logo will eventually grow to be its most important marketing element after the name, especially if you’re going to be manufacturing products.

Think about it. Tech giants Apple’s silhouette of a half-bitten fruit is one of the most recognizable pieces of design anywhere in the world, and it’s used on all of their products, packaging, advertisements, promotional materials, and signage.

It’s so recognizable in fact, that the company doesn’t even feel the need to mention its own name on packaging. The Apple itself is enough! That’s how powerful a well-designed brand symbol can be.

When it comes to building corporate identity, your logo will play a huge rule in how your competitors and your customers see you, so it makes sense to spend a little time on your design. 

Tips For Designing An Effective Business Logo | Logo Design Dubai

Here are a few tips to create an effective professional logo that sets you apart from the competition and leaves a lasting impression with customers:

 Be as original as possible

It’s recommended that you research the market and check out the kinds of designs offered up by your competition. You’ll want to make sure you steer clear of imitation, as every organization’s logo is supposed to be unique to their brand. You definitely don’t want to get mistaken for someone else!

The best way to do to this is to stay away from the prevailing design trends, and look for inspiration within your company itself. Ask yourself what it is your business does best, and try to work around that. 

Amazon logo

The best example of this is the Amazon logo, which features a small arrow going underneath the whole thing. Amazon pride themselves on being the world’s go to store for practically every product imaginable, as highlighted by the arrow going from A to Z. 

It’s such a simple inclusion in the design, but one that’s amazingly clever.

Colors are important

Your choice of colors will go a long way in determining the kind of impact your logo has on your customers. Think about what kind of image you want your brand to have. 

If you run a company that specializes in environmental protection, you’ll want to use colors that are more ‘earthy’, and give the viewer a calming feeling.

Colors are important

Imagine if WWF had designed their logo with a blood red Panda instead of black. It would make viewers feel very uneasy, and set a completely negative tone around the entire organization.
  • Different colors represent different things, like:
  • Red – energetic, bold, brave
  • Blue – peaceful, professional, trustworthy
  • Black – Powerful, credible, stable
  • Pink – Fun, flirty
  • Green – Organic, natural

Keep it simple

The biggest mistake small business make is trying to be too clever and over-designing their logos. Nothing looks worse than a messy, congested design that’s hard to understand or read. 

Here, negative space is a blessing. FedEx have used this better than anyone in the industry. Have you ever looked at the FedEx logo closely? Did you spot the arrow? FedEx used the concept of negative space brilliantly to incorporate a hidden arrow between the E and the X.

FedEx logo

Another important point to remember here is that while it may have worked for Apple and Nike, you should stay away from abstract symbols as much as possible. Incorporate your company’s name in the design and work around that. There’s a ton of customization options available to help a simply written piece of text stand out! 

If you’re having trouble coming up with a suitable design, get in touch with one of the logo design Dubai companies, have them create a few samples, and work from there. You can always let them know of your requirements, and their graphic design teams will fit them in as creatively as possible.

Saturday 19 August 2017

How To Build A Visual Brand Identity?

Corporate Identity is really important for the sake of any business. Without a vivid and unique identity, a venture might not get that much benefit. That’s why, every new startup first of all emphasizes on the brand identity right away after the launch, because it is the most basic and important step towards success.

Corporate Identity Dubai

Think if you are going to start a fast-food business like KFC and MacDonald, would you be able to make an impact these both brands have? No, you definitely won’t because the identity of those brands couldn’t not be matched without making serious efforts. 

When people will think about fast foods, these two names would be the first ones blinking their minds. The corporate identity Dubai can help you make such a brand identity to compete in the competitive market of the present era. 

Here is how they work on this.

Know the Audiences:

It is really important to know the audiences. If you don’t know who your audiences are, and in which category they lie? You won’t be able to meet their needs and requirements, and it will only dent your brand identity instead of boosting it.

Offer Them Value:

Never ever think that you are starting a business to get value from it. Instead, you should think about providing value to your customers and your audiences. When you will start thinking about them, provide them value and fulfill their needs in a better way, you eventually would start to get value in shape of revenue and a strong brand identity.

Tell Your Success Stories:

Sharing your experiences, motivations and success stories also play a vital role in creating and improving your brand identity. Sharing these stories with your audiences helps them know more about you. This encourages them to persist with you by believing in your services and you.

Remain Consistent:

Remaining consistent in your work and services will also play vital role in creating a unique brand identity. Consistency is important because every time a customer arrive, he arrives in an anticipation of something. So, if the consistency would be missing, then he wouldn’t get what he has anticipated for. Thus, it will badly hurt your identity.

Online Branding:

The SEO in Dubai and across the UAE has become really crucial these days because of competition in the market. You would normally see hundreds of competitors of a same niche in a same city. 

Similarly, you are going to see thousands of businesses belonging from same niche to have an online presence. So, you can imagine how important it is to create a unique brand identity online in this era of competition. 

For this purpose SEO services Dubai can help you significantly in creating your brand identity and online presence.


Saturday 8 July 2017

Why You Need To Invest In Logo Designing Today

In the past two decades, the world has changed immensely. The millennium brought about many changes that we are still dealing with. The biggest change that has in turn changed the face of our society is communication. Communication used to be a much different affair than what it is now. In the earliest time, communication meant communicating with people face to face or through messengers and letters. Slowly the idea of publishing came into being and thus, more avenues opened up. Before we knew, the telephone had become a reality and in the last few years of the 20thcentury, even this was rapidly changing. Now so much that we communicate with anyone across the seas in just a matter of seconds. This has affected many aspects of our lives, most of all trading and businesses. 

Logo Design Dubai

Businesses are not what they used to be. Before the Second World War, businesses were not consumer driven. After the war, more avenues for research started opening up and businesses changed massively because of this. Psychology as a field started developing at this point consumer behavior was being studied as well. Businesses then became more consumer-driven. This led to a change in marketing strategies. If your business is now consumer driven then you need to have a unique identity than customers can look up to. Because the industry is very visual these days, the first and foremost thing your company needs is a logo. Logos are crucial in building identities; logo design Dubai ensures that your company’s vision is translated into the design of the logo. We don’t realize the extent to which consumers are affected by these factors.

To survive in today’s competitive and saturated market; you need your own unique identity. This is created by projecting your values and principles in your company’s mission statement and vision. Again, this can also be projected through your logo. The color, shape, size, etc. of your logo can decide how the consumers will perceive it. Logo design Dubai has logo designers that understand the minds of the consumers really well; there are certain things that attract consumers and certain factors which put them off. It is important to invest in these things because they contribute greatly to sales, marketing and the brand image. You want your company to be as easily recognized as McDonald’s or say, Coca-Cola. Over the years, these companies have built their names through reliability.

Friday 20 January 2017

The Emotion Of Brand Must Be In Motion

The brand needs to do more for the consumer:

We live in a consumer society where different brands are available. The identity of each brand is different. We connect with the brand for the satisfaction of a particular need.

Once the consumer become aware of the brand then they start recognizing its logo. This identity plays a critical role in enhancing the value of the brand.  
 Logo Design Dubai
The understanding of relationship can reach greater levels if your identity has uniqueness about it. Therefore, strong emblems can produce the desired set of emotions for the customers. 

We come across different signs and logos on the road. They remind us of the need. The creation of strong emblems can generate an intrinsic arousal for the purchase of the product.

It is only getting tougher:

The experience that a brand can create for the user determines the extent of relationship. Go in the details before rationalizing the emblem for your company.
It should be easy to comprehend. Fewer complications mean people are likely to recall the company’s product. 

Why appearance matters? We all want to make an impression and look different.
The company is under an obligation to defy the odds. The ability to consistently remind customers of your existence requisite some skills; do you have it?

Logo design Dubai can reflect on the creation of emblem that is aimed specifically to make an impression on the designated customer segments. 

What should be the optimum outcome?

There is no fixed strategy that can envisage the creation of a string emblem. Sometimes you need to adhere to the norms of the industry in which your business operates. 

The choice of colors and fonts must be rationalized. The idea is to send a systematic message to the customer segments. 

Customers expect the elements of the brand to produce certain benefits.

What not to do?

Many organizations make the mistake of designing several emblems for different reasons. This doesn’t help your cause. It only adds to the confusion.  

The emblem style and type must be consistent. The emblem of the website and on the flyers and brochures must be identical. 

Research studies point out that recognizable logo can directly impact the equity of the brand. For expert advice Logo design Dubai can identify the rationale that resonate effectively with the brand and promotes its visibility.

Thursday 11 August 2016

Importance Of A Good Name Or Slogan For A Company

Each organization, no matter how big or small, has its own identity. It is important not only for the customers, but also for the employees working for the company to know the mission of the place they are working on, and their exact vision with which they are going to fulfill that mission. In this ever increasing time of competition, it is imperative that one should present itself so as to attract others, and tell about precisely about their clear visions and ideas on which they are going to work.

Corporate Identity Dubai

Now many big companies in big cities like Dubai have their own communication department that will project to the world and also to the employees about the correct objectives of the company. As far as the corporate identity Dubai based needs are concerned, it is even more important for big and small businesses, to convey to the audience the correct idea and objective of the company, so that it may facilitate the business and help it flourish in the right and positive manner. Now it is a big responsibility on the shoulders of the communication department to relate the company to the rest of the world.

Many a times, the employees or the relevant audience that is; clients, customers and even end users are unable to completely understand the purpose of the company, it is when the communication department has to make an impression on them to facilitate the objectives of the organization. Corporate identity Dubai based needs are more imperative, because of the immense competition in the market and the fairly large number of confused consumers and end user. If these needs are properly met, then it can help bloom the business and in the overall success of the organization.

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